About Business Notes by Nero Okwa

I started writing this newsletter as a way to share my career and entrepreneurial experiences, and clarify my thinking from different books and resources I have studied.

Today this newsletter is a journal of my lifelong learning journey and work experiences across my interests: Business, Technology (Product Management), Career Development, and Africa.

I don’t see myself as an expert, merely someone documenting his journey to expertise. Hence the newsletter subtitle and sign-off: Racing Towards Excellence.

I am interested in drawing out the practical key lessons/frameworks not so much in a ‘do these 10 things to succeed’ kind of way, but in a way that minimises risk, and makes one best prepared when opportunities present themselves.

For example, an interest in how Strategy, Management, and Teamwork interconnect, led to a 4-part series.

“great strategy is implemented by good management, and good management needs to foster effective teamwork. Effective teams help to co-create and execute the strategy, towards achieving the overarching business goal”.

If you are interested in these types of deep dives and topics, you should consider subscribing so that you always receive the latest issues when published.

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Racing Towards Excellence - I write about my journey into Business, Technology, Career Development, and Africa.


Product Manager, Entrepreneur, and Story Teller